Why we need a “Paris Agreement” for recycling the Earth’s resources

A 新报告 by BCG and WBCSD calls for a formal global plan for material recycling and the creation of higher circularity through technology.

发表: 9月26日
类型: 新闻

日内瓦,2022年9月26日 ——今天, the World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD) and  Boston Consulting Group (BCG) released a 新报告 这就证明了A “Paris Agreement” for recycling the Earth’s resources’. 的 报告 outlines a set of recycling and collection objectives for eight materials that yield high levels of waste in terms of volume, value and/or environmental impact: cement and concrete, 金属, 废物, 木, 纸, 塑料, electronic waste (e-waste) and electric vehicle (EV) batteries. 

在过去的50年里, our consumption of the Earth’s natural resources has more than tripled to a consumption of 1.8 planets today - and that alarming rate is set to rise to an expected consumption of 2.到2040年3个行星. Yet we’re currently only recycling 25-35% of the waste streams that, 按价值和体积计算, 对环境最有害的是什么. 

的 historic Paris Agreement on climate change is a good example of joint international action on a governing framework to reduce global warming. We need this kind of agreement that sets guidelines for conserving materials and resources. 

的 authors estimate that bringing resource consumption within planetary boundaries by 2040 would require an additional recycling rate of 55%, meaning that 80-90% of all consumed resources are then recycled.  

报告 calls for the establishment of higher levels of circularity through technology and innovation, 以及2美元的资本支出.1-2.2 trillion, which would be split between design, collection, sorting and recycling. 

Meeting the recycling levels described in the 报告 would save 40-50 billion tonnes of emissions by 2040, equivalent to 10-15% of the remaining carbon budget as expressed in the Paris Agreement. 的re would also be benefits for biodiversity, including more unspoiled territory for endangered species through better forest management, 减少不可持续的采石和采矿, and less contamination of water and soil due to the reduction of hazardous waste and micro-material pollution. 

“的 objective of this 报告 is to create an understanding of what it will take to decouple economic growth from resource intensity in several key products and materials. 通过这样做, we can contribute to a global economy that will use the Earth’s resources responsibly, 为子孙后代保存它们.” Federico Merlo, Lead, Chemical Industry, WBCSD 

“Creating more value with fewer resources will be the largest challenge for business in the next decade. We need to increase both product circularity and use. Products that have reached end of life will need to be recycled at rates well above 80% - partially starting from 15% - given our finite resources. Those executives who decouple growth from resource extraction will be rewarded with both lasting competitive advantage and a healthier planet.” BCG首席执行官Christoph Schweizer 

该报告由世界文化及文化事务署和波士顿咨询集团共同编写, with active contributions from our member companies Arcadis, 人看到, 科莱恩国际, 荷兰合作银行集团, 全球最大, 威立雅, 塔塔钢铁和雅拉国际, 和成员 森林解决方案集团

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